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5 Landscape Maintenance Tasks for the Fall

Written by Joseph Barnes | Sep 12, 2018 4:00:00 AM
Fall is almost here. Temperatures will be dropping, leaves will start changing color, pumpkin-spice everything will make its yearly comeback, and stores will soon be putting out their Christmas displays.

As in any business, timing is everything in the commercial landscaping. There are certain landscape maintenance tasks that should be completed at specific times of the year. Doing the right things, at the right time will result in your property reaping the benefits of a carefully coordinated and scheduled landscape maintenance plan. The best way to secure a great looking landscape is to partner with an experienced commercial landscaping company to keep your commercial property in great shape for the fall season. Here are a few landscape maintenance tasks to get ready your landscape ready for fall:

Fall Lawn Care Treatments

For the best results from your lawn, fall is the best time to fertilize your commercial property’s landscape, promoting maximum health and growth. While the grass will be growing slower in the fall, the roots below continue to grow more quickly. Fertilization promotes stronger roots, giving you a jump start for next spring. If your property struggles with broadleaf weeds, you can also opt for additional weed control applications in the fall as a part of your landscape maintenance plan.

Clean up the Leaves

Leaves left on the grass prevent much needed sunlight from getting to your turf. Leaves should be collected and removed as they fall. Waiting until the trees are bare allows more time for moisture to collect under the leaves and can result in fungal diseases in your turf. Additionally, fallen leaved in parking lots and walkways can become slip and fall liabilities when they aren’t quickly removed. Leaf removal is one of the most essential tasks to consider when organizing your fall landscape clean-up tasks for the year.

Shrubs, Ornamentals, and Perennial Grasses

Now is a good time to plant semi-hardy and tender perennials for the upcoming fall season. Especially for new plantings, be sure to allow some of the fallen leaves remain around the plant’s base for the winter, to provide insulation from the cold. Leave seed heads and stems on perennials to add some color and interest in the fall and winter.

For ideas on what perennials to plant this fall, check out another recent blog post, “Top 5 Fall Flowers to Plant in the South”.

Winter Protection

Winter protection treatments are available for many Southern plants that lack natural coating to protect them from colder temperatures. Careful use of certain products, such as anti-desiccant sprays, will help protect plants from damage in the fall and winter, by helping them hold in more moisture. Consult your commercial landscaping company for additional guidance on other treatments available to protect your landscape before winter arrives.


Fall is a great time for planting. There are several benefits for planting shrubs, trees, and blooming bulbs. The cool temperatures create a good environment for planting, since the soil is still warm enough to allow roots to grow before the plant freezes during the coldest winter months.

Yellowstone Landscape has the experience and a great portfolio of maintained commercial property landscapes. Our team is here to help you with your landscape maintenance needs this fall. Connect with us for more information about our landscape maintenance services.